Online Guitar Courses

Our online courses are designed by Donovan Raitt, a professional guitarist and college music educator to give you the best in online guitar education, where you can learn the guitar at your own pace, connect with other students, and with the click of a button, get personalized, private-lesson style help at any time. All of our courses are available for one low monthly access fee, with more courses being added frequently!

Take your lessons with you! Get the best in online guitar education on your Computer, Smartphone and Tablet.

Take your lessons with you! Get the best in online guitar education on your Computer, Smartphone and Tablet.

Get access to our online courses for only
$19.95 per month!

That’s less than the cost of one private lesson each month!

Save 25% on your first month!

Use the Code: NEWSTUDENT2021


Welcome! Thank you for visiting my online guitar course website! For less than the cost of a 30-minute private lesson each month, you will have access to HUNDREDS of guitar lessons for all levels, including step-by-step guides and video demonstrations.

More importantly, as a subscriber, you have access to contact me at any time to ask questions or get feedback. I’m here to help with your progress every step of the way. It’s the best of online and private instruction! I hope you enjoy these lessons!


Courses in multiple styles and levels

From the basics of the guitar to reading music to advanced concepts, each of the courses below will guide you step by step to mastering the most complex guitar techniques. More courses are being added all the time, and members can request lessons or course topics.

our online courses include…

with more coming soon!

Online Guitar Courses

Exclusive access to guided courses and video lessons from Donovan Raitt. Learn the guitar at your own pace, connect with other students, and explore all of our courses for a low monthly access fee. Private lesson students get FREE access to all courses with an active lesson subscription.